Business Policies

From the day one each and every part of gas lighter is checked,before sending to manufacturing department. Once the gas lighter is manufactured, its working is checked, labelling of the brand....

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Add-On's with Gas Lighter & Replacement Policy

Black knife or color knife can be added with any model of our gas lighter. Knife and Peeler set can also be added with gas lighter to make a perfect combo...

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Your Branding

Any new model of gas lighter provided by you, can be developed. Charges for developing will be paid by the buyer. Any of our model of gas lighter can...

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Kitchen Gas Lighter

Model name PGL-11. Longer lighter than a regular one Complete MS lighter with....


Knife Peeler Set

Model name PKP-3. Combo of 2 pcs of knife and 1 pcs of peeler...


SS Gas Lighter

Model name PGL-101. Complete stainless steel gas lighter...


Gas Lighter

Model name PGL-9. Ring shape, ABS material unique body with half MS pipe...


ABS Gas Lighter

Model name PGL-6. ABS Complete body of ABS material with only 1 inch MS pipe at the bottom. ABS is a hard material so no complain of breakage. Available in different colors to suit your kitchen...


Knives and Peeler Set

Model name PKP-2. 3 pieces set of stainless steel knives and peeler. Available in double molding different colors...


Kitchen Gas Lighter

Model Name PGL-2. Regular pipe best chrome plated, with different plastic handle colors. Knife as free gift with each lighter. No battery and no fuel, for working. So no other expense to use the lighter, once it is purchased.


M.S. Gas Lighter

Model Name PGL-5. L/T Thick chrome plated lighter with metal handle and metal button. Used instead of match stick in kitchen for a better life style.



With our comprehensive industry knowledge and understanding of market trends, we have an emerging trend in the designing and development of new designs. From day one, our company has always work towards maintaining a bench marked standard in all our products that ensures customer satisfaction.

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